Virtual Assistant Itinerary: Planning for a Virtual Assistant Business of Freedom
Discover how you can start your freedom based
Virtual Assistant business
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Imagine that you have consistent income coming in, you are still only working the hours you want, and you are able to travel and work from anywhere. Sounds pretty amazing right? It really isn’t a dream. People are working from home. They are making a good living helping others from their desk. And it can be you too!
Module #1 Preparing and Planning your Virtual Assistant Journey
Creating and planting roots for your virtual assistant business is a very important foundational piece. Having a strong foundation in which you build your business alleviates issues later on down the road when your business scales and grows.
Module #2 Money, Money, Money - Packages and Pricing
Pricing is main question for freelancers in every industry. There’s no right or wrong way to put together a package. If you like the idea of packaging but aren’t sure where to start, you won’t want to miss Module 2.
Module #3 Branding
Why is Kleenex is interchangeable with facial tissue? Branding. Branding is what your clients think when they see or hear about you, your company and/or services. You want a particular image to come to the mind of your audience whenever they come in contact with your products or services, or think about them. Learn about the power of branding and how to build your businesses brand.
Module #4 Website
Yes, you must have one, and you need to be able to build it. Your business is virtual! Clients may never meet you face to face. So, the website is your online identity, as well as a way people can learn about you.
Module #5 Tools every virtual assistant should use to optimize their business experience
Every successful virtual assistant has a toolkit. From productivity, to communication, to marketing and more, you will learn which tools optimize business performance. Module 5 is all about streamlining workflow and helping you make the most out of every minute of every day.
Module #5 Pulling all together, Time to get clients
So, your bags are packed, you’ve mapped out the best route, oil is changed - you are ready to hit the open road! Here comes the best part, getting clients!
Who can be a Virtual Assistant?
The Virtual Assistant Itinerary is your groovy guide to building a Virtual Assistant Business of Freedom, where you are in charge.
- Stay at home moms looking to support the family.
- Military spouse who needs the freedom to work from anywhere.
- Retiree’s that are looking to supplement their income.
- Heck-even if you are like me and just need to leave the corporate world and build a life that puts more focus on the things and people that really matter in your life.
Enjoy the freedom to:
- Make your own hours
- Work with clients who need your skills
- Have passion behind what you do
The Virtual Assistant Itinerary takes all the guesswork out of starting your own business.
Easy Courses quickly guide you through:
- Setting up your business’ foundation
- Finding your “why”
- Deciding what services you offer
- How to package and price services
- Building your website and brand
- Finding clients
- And more!
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What can I say? The virtual assistant roadmap changed my whole trajectory of my business timeline. I have learned more from her guidance and courses in 3 months than I did in an entire year with other programs. Jessica, is fun and has great energy. She also will tell you like it is. This was one of the best investments I have made in myself in a long time. I am a believer!
Erica Thompson Time Hustlers
I was looking for a change and I stumbled upon Jessica and Virtual Assistant Roadmap. I didn't know what the hell I wanted to do, I just knew I needed to make a change. See, I suffer from an autoimmune disease called Addisons. I needed to find a way to make an income while still nurturing my condition. I needed more freedom to heal when an outbreak happens. Taking these courses and implementing them has given me the freedom I need to take care of myself. Without these tools and courses I would not be able to live a freedom based life to allow me to take care of the most precious asset...myself.
Junell Hinsley Domestica Diva
You could spend hours searching the internet for each of these topics. Then more time deciding if it is a trusted source and if it is current information. The Virtual Assistant Itinerary Guide lays out everything you need in one, easy-to-follow guide.
The course is online and self-paced, so you can choose when and how quickly you train. There are no “class hours.” Everything you need to know, to start your journey on your own terms, is included and ready for you.
Too many online business training classes are vague or give general guidelines. The Virtual Assistant Itinerary gives easy-to-follow directions to become a Virtual Assistant.
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